On May 6, 1998, Tadamitsu
Saito gave a benefit concert entitled "Koguryo: Brilliance of the Ancient
Times" at the KBS Hall, Seoul, Republic
of Korea.
On the following day, a
party was held to celebrate the publication of the Korean version of The
Encounter, Keiko Koma's essay in
harmony with Tadamitsu Saito's photographs.
All the proceeds from the
concert benefited the Korean Children's Welfare Society.
Koguryo: The Brilliance of Ancient Times
The history of a great nation gives us everything necessary for our lives and illuminates the future of all mankind with hope.
History is not just an incident that happened in the past. Heroes are characters from history who overcame great difficulties. They live on in a different dimension, and can communicate with us, though they sometimes keep silent. In any case they always inspire us to live on.
When we find ourselves in trouble, their inspiration encourages us to be clear minded and brave; when we are sick, it makes us aware that sickness is a sign that we must change our lives, in order to achieve a state of health.
When we are old, it reminds us that we can live a new life in eternity.
When our hearts truly communicate with each other, we shall find ourselves leading lives blessed with love and united with this vast universe, such as no one has ever experienced in human history.
Keiko Koma's greeting in Korea
Keiko Koma's greeting in Korea.
Good evening. I was born and brought up in Tokyo, Japan. In my childhood, my father told me every day that I was a direct descendant of the Kings of Koguryo and should live in consciousness of the honor of the empire.
Since I was a child, I asked myself what is the essence of humanity and how I should live. At the age of 24, I was gravely ill and in pain, and I still could not find any answer.
I faced death.
I happened to encounter Mr. Saito, who was said to absorb destructive energy from other people and neutralize it. It was so in my case and I was saved.
The history of my ancestors of Koguryo is engraved on my being; their glory as well as their regrets and sorrow for the fall of their kingdom, their life of exile in Japan, their inability ever to see their homeland.
When I first met Mr. Saito, I felt my total being was fully accepted. And when he expressed the state of my life on the piano, feelings of sorrow turned into love. Revived in my life was the energy of my ancestors to build a great nation. We held several concerts in Japan on the subject of the kingdom of "Koguryo" and its mythical founder, "Tan-gun." We also released a CD entitled "Koguryo." And I came to wish that I could hold a concert in my ancestors' original homeland. There were several chances, but they were not realized until this occasion.
Since last year, I began to think about visiting Korea as if my ancestors impelled me to. On New Year's Day this year, standing in front of the tomb of
King Yakkwang (Jakko) in Tokyo, I clearly realized his will that I should visit Korea and I decided to publish the Korean version of my book, The Encounter, which resulted in yesterday's concert.
Vital encounter brings us love, and leads us to create a new era where we can live happily in love and peace. That is a long cherished hope of my ancestors and of all humanity. I am sure our encounter this evening will be the opening page of a new history.
Thank you.