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Keiko Koma <poetry reading>
Every day of her childhood her father told to be proud and live a life of dignity as a descendent of the royal linage of Koguryo. She actually inherited the talents of the Kings of Koguryo and she used to talk naturally to flowers and trees, and prayed for peace day after day.
The interruption of the stream of Koguryo's history had passed on to her such irresistible grievances that she was almost made to die of deep despair and pain, felt both spiritually and physically. When she encountered Mr. Tadamitsu Saito by chance, her life was miraculously saved, and she recovered from a fatal disease and drew back from the mental abyss. Based on this marvelous experience, she started to learn in depth a way to live a truly healthy life, which could be followed by anybody else. Then she understood that things happening internally and mentally are essential, and the key to success in one's life, and she found that the scope of her activities was global.
Idaki Shin <music & images >
In 1971 he began a professional career as a specialist in social welfare. For a period of 8 years he worked in one of the most advanced homes for the aged in Tokyo, where he planned and implemented a new life-care system. This provided the basis for various official services and facilities that can be seen in operation today.
From around the age of 20, he pursued studies into the fundamental questions of human life, such as what is the true meaning of health, and how one can liberate oneself from burdens and exercise one's own creativity, etc. At the age of 35, he discovered a way to recover the original function of life common to all human beings. At a later stage of his unique investigation, he discovered how to do this through piano improvisation, and has given more than 230 concerts throughout Japan and various countries. These have provided audiences the opportunity to experience the immanent beauty of life and to regain the vitality to pave a way for the future.