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IDAKI is devoted to creating a society and global environment where human beings can genuinely live authentically now and in the future.
IDAKI Build. 2F, 3-4-16 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
TEL.03-3505-8841 FAX.03-3505-8843 Email. info@idaki.co.jp
President : Keiko Koma
Concerts: more than 1178 concerts of Idaki Shin organized globally.
IDAKI seminer
Photos : Numerous photo panels, photocards available
The Outline of Inochi and Koma,two Japanese NPOs,
private nonprofit organization under Japanese NPO law
President : Keiko Koma
Head Quarter Address: IDAKI Building 3F 3-4-16 Roppongi Minatoku Tokyo
Executive Members: Keiko Koma, Tadamitsu Saito, Katsuaki Saito, Jun Kashima, Shigeru Nakamura, Masanori Fuji
Koma represents heaven and a pair of deer. It derives from an ancient symbolism signifying the most beautiful scene on earth and the realization of an ideal kingdom.
Its activities range from interdisciplinary study on history and culture to the publication of books ,videos, planning various cultural events, an international exchange program, and educational support for children, etc, with a view to cultivating each individualfs sensibility and nourishing his or her spirit, necessary for creating a future social system based on humanitarian principles.
Related Web Site :
http://www.npokoma.org/ (NPO KOMA)
http://www.idaki.net/en/ IDAKI SHIN & KEIKO KOMA Web Site)
http://www.keikokoma.net/ KEIKO KOMA Selection)
NPO KOMA Activities
Requested by Ethiopian Embassy in Tokyo, we visited a drought hit town of Gode in the south of Ethiopia. Drought was said to be caused mainly by global house warming effect. The Ethiopian Ambassador to Japan accompanied us. Wedecided to co-organize a concert by our artist Idaki Shin, based on the mutual understanding that drastic solution to the accumulating problems could only be reached when internality of people was changed by a our concert for peace.
Simultaneously we started to plan support programs to Ethiopia and that year we donated a portable X-ray machine to the Gode hospital in response to local authorities demand.
In November, we held Idaki Shin “Cosmic Manifesto” concert at Meskel Square, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This concert was co-organized with the Ethiopian government, with the view to declare the peace all over the world from the originated place of human being, realizing more than 110,000 audience, worldwide satellite transmission and internet video live streaming.
We started to hold the “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” concerts by Keiko Koma and Idaki Shin both in Japan and abroad. iIt counted 233 times so far in May 2019j
We held many lecture events by Keiko Koma entitled as “To be with all your souls” and her poetic reading events in Japan. .(It counted 748 times so far in May 2019)
Invited to Iran National Day memorial FAJR music festival “Dialogue among civilization” , we held two Idaki Shin piano concerts in Tehran, Iran in Feb, 2002.
We started importing coffee beans directly from Ethiopia and commercialized in Japan under brand name “Andromeda Ethiopia Coffee” . The profit from the sales has been donated back to Ethiopia through on going social projects of NPO KOMA such as one to supply a water purification system to Gode in southern Ethiopia. (See 2006 and 2007 projects)
In March we donated the custom clearance and handling charge of eleven Fire engines to Ethiopia.
In December we donated funds to DPPC (Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Committee) of Ethiopia in response to the urgent request saving the starvation in Ethiopia.
In July we held the Idaki Shin concert in Oyunhara, Kumano Hongu Taisha, Wakayama, Japan.
In August we held the Idaki Shin “Torch of Peace” concert at Mnaji Mmoja Square in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, requested by the Tanzania government after the great success of the “Cosmic Manifesto” concert in Ethiopia. This was the official cultural event of the SADC (Southern Africa Development Community) summit meeting.
In December through the Iranian Embassy in Tokyo, we urgently donated supporting goods and foods to Bam, Kerman state, in Iran, as people were suffering from damages caused by the sudden big earthquake.
In February we held the Idaki Shin piano charity concert for Bam in Iran suffering out of the big earthquake damages, in Daiichi Seimei Hall, Tokyo and donated all the profit from the concert to Iranian Embassy.
In July we held Idaki Shin “Jomon” concert at Sannai Maruyama remains, in Aomori.
In October we held the Idaki Shin “Dialogue among civilization” concert at Persepolis (Registered UNESCO world heritage) in Iran. This was the very first concert event realized after the revolution in Iran at the holly historic site, Persepolis. This was made possible by the special consideration from the part of Iranian government that considered the concert as “not an ordinary concert, but culture itself conveying the message of peace” . Holding a concert at Persepolis itself was considered as a revolutionary event in Iran.
In March we donated Idaki Shin Sound System (audio speakers and amplifier) to the Imam Sadr Foundation in Lebanon.
In August, for the first time outside Japan, we staged the “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” concert at Hippodrome in Tyre, Lebanon and ended with huge success as most spectators were deeply touched to their heart and shed tears. It was reported as an amazing experience in the following day’ s local newspapers. Our representative Keiko Koma was given the title of the honorable and eternal citizenship of Tyre. After this concert, we started to hold this concert program at middle east countries, and has been covered in many media.
In August we held seven Idaki Shin charity concerts to support Lebanon at the time of the Israeli army’ s bombing. Because the Jerash festival in Jordan that we were invited to participate was cancelled because of the war situation, we held the “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” concert at Komae, Japan the same date as were planned in Jerash, the 11th of August, and delivered the message for peace.
Requested by the mayor of Tyre who wished to realize something after the war that would give young generations hope for the future, we donated to the city of Tyre, all the computers, electronics and library necessary to set up a business college.
In September we held the “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” concert at Tsarevets Castle, Veliko-Turnovo, Bulgaria, as a joint event with the municipality of Turnovo. We recorded and donated a special Idaki Shin CD for the newly furnished operation floor at the Veliko-Turnovo hospital. We also donated Idaki Shin Sound System and artworks by our representative Keiko Koma, unique and original paintings with rhinestones on Chirimen clothes.
In November we held Idaki Shin the “Peace Message” concert at Saadabad Palace in Tehran, for two nights, after the great success of the Idaki Shin Persepolis concert.
As part of our support activity for Ketchene orphanage in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, we donated funds for constructing a bioenergy facility and conduct maintenance of its clinic.
In May the “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” concert at the Opera theater, Damascus Syria to commemorate its 100th concert.
In June, we held the “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” concert at Tsarevets Castle, Veliko-Turnovo, Bulgaria, At the city square of Giurgiu, Romania, Archaic theater in Ohrid, Macedonia, City Square of Bitla, Macedonia.
In August we participated the Jerash festival in Jordan with the “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” concert.
In September, as part of the commemoration events for the 35th anniversary of friendly ties between Japan and China, we held the “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” concert at Forbidden City Concert Hall in Beijing, China. In a part of the program, HAYA, a Chinese group, joined
From August to November, we invited 4 engineers from Somali Water Bureau in Ethiopia for technical training in collaboration with Daigaku Sangyo Co Ltd, our water supply project partner based in Shizuoka, Japan. Then we dispatched six Japanese engineers for twelve days to Gode, southern town in Ethiopia, to install and complete the water purification supply system, which had been working with Somali State for the last five years. This started to supply to Gode’ s 50,000 habitants with safe portable water.
In September Keiko Koma Skyrocket Center Omotesando was opened in Tokyo.
In October, we held the “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” concert at the republic square of Yerevan, Armenia before 20,000 audience.
In November and December, held four poem reading concerts in Beirut, Tyre and Bint-jbeil. Also held the exhibition of Keiko Koma artworks at UNESCO Palace in Beirut.
In July, we held the “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” concert at Hippodrome in Tyre, Lebanon.
In the same month, we held the “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” concert at the green theater in Moscow, Russia.
In August, we opened a gallery café “Raza Ray” at Tehran, Iran.
On 1st of January, The Koma Gallery Café at Yasaka was opened under the famous Yasaka tower in Kyoto.
In May, we held the “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” concert at the Vahdad Hall in Teheran Iran.
In October we held the “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” concert at the Metekhi church in Tbilisi Georgia, and at Green Theater at Baku, Azerbaijan.
From March 2011, series of charity activities have been held at the East- North Japan disaster hit areas in Iwate and Miyagi prefectures, such as donating specially hand crafted marbling T-shirts dyed by Keiko Koma, serving our Andromeda Ethiopia coffee and holding charity concerts including the Idaki Shin memorial concert held as open air event at Yamada village on the 6th of June at the Suzuko Park, Kamaishi city on the 3rd of August.
On 7th of September, responding to the Northeastern Japan earthquake and tsunami disaster, we opened the NPO KOMA Tohoku center at Morioka, Iwate.
Many Idaki Shin charity concerts have been held for the Northeastern Japan disaster.
We donated to the city of Tyre, Lebanon all the computers and electronic facilities to totally renew and upgrade its business college.
In November, we held the “IDAKI SHIN concert – Himalaya” in Delhi, India. On the 2nd of December, we held the “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” concert at Purana Qila, in Delhi, India.
Komaya Gallery Cafe was opened at the south corner of the Kyoto Imperial Palace at the heart of Kyoto.
In October, we held the “IDAKI SHIN concert” at Gujarat amphitheater, Ahmadabad India. On the 27th of October, we held the “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” concert with over 30,000 audience at the river front special stage at Ahmedabad in Gujarat, India.
In November, started the joint research activities about the positive influence of the music by Master Idaki Shin on agricultural products with Yamamoto strawberry farm that took the initiative to recover the agricultural industry immediately after the North Eastern Japan Great Disaster at Yamamoto village, Watari, Miyagi prefecture.
In March, donated to the Medrar Medical Center that is being managed by The Medrar Foundation of Lebanon.
In April, donated the Idaki Shin sound system to every strawberry houses at the Yamamoto Strawberry firm.
In October, opened at the corner of the Yamamoto Strawberry farm, the coffee roasting facility and office for NPO Koma’s coffee projects.
1st of November, opened our NPO Koma’s guest house at Ohtsu city which architecture was designed to best enhance the acoustic sound of the concert grand piano specially created by Fazioli Pianoforte exclusively for Master Idaki Shin.
8th of July, Cafe Koma-ya Sendai opened as a base for our business, after hearing that creating “business in which young people can work feeling hope will truly be a support for the recovery” of the disaster areas of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
11th of March, Yui-Kobo café opened, a coffee roasting facility as a joint project with Yamamoto Strawberry Farm, in front of Yamashita station in the new midtown of Yamamoto-town where 90% of the area was destroyed by the Great East Japan Earthquake.
12th of March, Piano improvisation concert was held by Master Idaki Shin, entitled “Yui (connection)” at Tsubamenomori Hidamari hall in front of JR Yamashita station at Yamamoto-cho.
In March, NPO KOMA Tea-Ceremony House opened. Adjacent to the house is Keiko Koma’s atelier for dyeing her marbling fabrics.
23rd – 28th of September, Keiko Koma Artwork Exhibition was held at two galleries in Paris, France.
23rd of September, Idaki Shin Concert was held at MAISON DU JAPON@Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris.
10th of October, Idaki Shin Piano Improvisation Concert was held at Primorskaya Region Philharmonic Theater in Vladivostok, Russia.
Non-Profit Organization INOCHI
Head Quarter Address: 1-43-2 Nishihara Shibuya-ku Tokyo
Executive Members: Tadamitsu Saito, Keiko Koma, Katsuaki Saito
This organization traces back its origin to the executive membersf experience of having engaged in rescuing and recovering peoplefs lives and organizing a nation-wide campaign of charity concert activity after the Hanshin earthquake disaster.
Under the framework of NPO, it tries to promote and widen its range of activities and know how they learned and developed during that period especially in the field of medical care and social welfare. Thus Inochi, life in Japanese, represents all that relates to the basis of life, its enrichment and provision of various activities such as medical care, sanitary assistance, social welfare, crisis management, counseling, related research and publication, concert event organization, etc.