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Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered Phoenician Version, Tyre, Lebanon
Legends of Koguryo Phoenician Version Digest Movie
Lets sail for the unknown future
Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered Phoenician Version
At Tyre, Lebanon, 8:30 pm on 26th August, 2005/07/04
<Message from Keiko Koma>
I was born as the direct descendant of royal family of Koguryo that flourished over 800 years as the largest kingdom in ancient east Asia. Every day in my childhood my father told me its glory and not to forget its traditions. I find myself heavily influenced by the history of my ancestors that determined the patterns of my life, personality and ways of thinking. My ancestors were united with heaven. They built a great kingdom out of nothing. A king of Koguryo was shaman and he could only remain in the crown as long as every one was living a happy life. It enjoyed its overwhelming power until internal dissidents separated its unity with heaven and finally destroyed the kingdom, followed by over 1300 years of life in exile in Japan. Every aspect of the history of Koguryo has been engraved on to my life and I was destined to repeat the same misery of history throughout my life.
At the age of 24, I was suffering in the mental abyss as if I were experiencing the same misery as that of the destruction of the ancient kingdom. I kept on suffering until I came across Mr. Idaki Shin who, for the first time in my life, understood my nature and the true history of Koguryo. Once properly acknowledged, the misery of the past was melted into vigor to live on. Sadness is now resurrected by love. My life was saved and the soul of ancient kings of Koguryo has revived. I needed to trace back the scroll of history in order to find my original light of life. This is how I started the Idaki counseling course, and to organize Idaki Shin concerts for the realization of world peace, that I have wished and prayed for and dreamed of since childhood.
I came to understand that this personal experience of mine can be shared with everybody else on this planet for the sake of regaining the unity of human beings and peace. So I decided to make a cultural program entitled Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered.
Eventually I lost my mother and it was not more than 100 days before my father passed away. Day after day I was doing nothing but crying out of sadness. Mr. Idaki Shin told me that I had better trace further back the history of my ancestors. I found within myself a slight light of hope and decided to visit Lebanon for the first time.
On arriving in Lebanon its brilliant sunshine, blue sea, pleasant breeze, and smiling faces dominated my mind. It reminded me of the tragedy of Palestine and Israel that I had been perpetuating in my mind for a long time. Then on my return to Japan I went to the embassy of Lebanon in Tokyo to see what I can do. The second meeting fell on the very day of the anniversary of my father’s death when I met Mr. Ambassador. He called me the princess of ancient Phoenicia and welcomed me as if I was his daughter. It was an unforgettable day in my life because I felt that my father had arranged that meeting. It was not long before I went to Lebanon for the second time, and I visited the south of Lebanon, Tyre, for the first time which has been closed to tourists because of the regional conflict. Tyre is said to have flourished as a port for over 9000 years. Entering into its historic ruins I completely forgot the space and time framework. I found myself in an unknown dimension. All of a sudden I was together with my father. All human beings die but the soul of man never dies. It was the dimension of soul and spirituality that transcends time and space. It was in supreme beauty. Beauty is eternity. And beauty is born out of love. The beauty born out of love shall live forever. I became confident that Idaki Shin could express in his music this dimension of beauty. This was the key to peace. So I made up my mind to organize a concert in Tyre. The ambassador was very happy with my idea and willingly introduced me to the mayor of Tyre when I went to Lebanon for the third time. At the first glance, the mayor also called me the princess of Phoenicia and his daughter saying that he swore to realize the concert with big success and that there was nothing to worry about because he was ready to do anything for his daughter when she was back in her home town. Later I was told by one of the member of city council that the mayor said to various other members who were not favorable to the concert in the beginning that this project was a holy mission brought by a messenger of heaven whose heart was pure and beautiful. I was extremely touched by the heart of Mr. Mayor. Though we did not speak the same language our soul was connected. He accepted me as his daughter and considered our project as divine.
Several years passed before finalizing the date of the concert because of numbers of political and social climate changes. Now we have fixed the date for this year. A professor of Lebanon University, Dr. Gazi joined us planning our concert and he selected my program Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered out of numerous others. Praising its artistic value, he noted that my poem represented honey while the music of Idaki Shin expressed the vast nature that allows bees to work with flowers, water, etc. Namely this is where all creatures live a happy and peaceful life. The concert is thus designed to contribute to the peace of the world and especially to many Arab countries. I was told that ancient Phoenician people used to sail away to unknown countries wishing to share with as many people as possible many good things they found or created. This spirituality is again the key to peace. Together with my poem that is going to represent the good things of Phoenicia, the sound of Idaki Shin sheds light for the future of mankind. The concert will get together all the Phoenician blood that was scattered all over the world and we will sail for the unknown but bright future in the vast universe.
Idaki Shin Photo gallery (2005/3, At tyle)