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A newly born life
Love, Health and Creativity
During pregnancy and infancy
Being affected by negative factors formed out of one’s ancestors, parents, social environment, mode and consciousness of one’s era, etc. These factors determine one’s personality, character, destiny and condition of health.
Who you are now
Heavily dominated by outer environment such as daily work, family relationship, image made of oneself, etc. They are preventing one from discovering one’s true nature and from exercising one’s full ability.
Idaki counseling course
Liberated from negative factors
through experience of acknowledgement and reception.
To understand the true meaning of love.
At the moment of birth life is shaped as a sphere that shines beautifully. It is originally born to exercise its full creativity, realizing health and love. However, even within three years of infancy, life receives numerous negative inputs from the outer environment. Or it starts to oppress one’s sensitivity and demands on life after repeatedly experiencing the impossibility of one’s true command of life being fully understood . One starts to follow a limited pattern of reaction towards the world that is later considered to be one’s own personality, character and even some features of one’s constitution. Idaki has developed a special counseling method to tackle these negative factors that have heavily affected one’s early life, and to liberate one from living a pre-destined life. In our course these factors are both acknowledged verbally and expressed by the sound of the piano. Idaki Shin responds directly to the internal condition and situation of each individual identifying them, taking them as his own, and expressing them by way of sound. Each note allows one to experience the original unity of mind and body, acknowledge properly what life is in need of, and regain the sensitivity and creativity that open up the future.