Idaki Shin (Tadamitsu Saito)
In 1971 he began a professional career as a specialist in social welfare. For a period of 8 years he worked in one of the most advanced homes for the aged in Tokyo, where he planned and implemented a new life-care system. This provided the basis for various official services and facilities that can be seen in operation today.
From around the age of 20, he pursued studies into the fundamental questions of human life, such as what is the true meaning of health, and how one can liberate oneself from burdens and exercise
one's own creativity, etc. At the age of 35, he discovered a way to recover the original function of life common to all human beings. At a later stage of his unique investigation, he discovered how to do this through piano improvisation, and has given 1195 concerts throughout Japan and various countries as of August 2019. These have provided audiences the opportunity to experience the immanent beauty of life and to regain the vitality to pave a way for the future.
1994, Nippon Budokan, Tokyo /1994; Carnegie Hall, New York /1995; 21 charity concerts in Japan for the Great Hanshin
Earthquake /1997; Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, Spain /1997; Duomo of Monreale, Teatro Massimo, Sicily, Italy
/1998; KBS Hall,Seoul /1998; Herodes Atticus Odeum at the Acropolis, Athens /1999; Blue Hall of Stockholm City
Hall,Stockholm Concert Hall, Sweden. / 2001; Meskel Square, Addis Ababa,. Ethiopia / 2002 ; Theran, Iran / 2003;
Kumano Hongu-Taisya, Japan ; Mnazi Mmoja ground, Tanzania / 2004; Sannai-Maruyama site, Aomori, Japan ;
Persepolis, Iran. / 2005; “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered “ concert in Tyre, Lebanon / 2006; “Legends of Koguryo
Rediscovered “ concert in Veliko-Turnovo, Bulgaria, “Peace Message” concert at Saadabad Palace in Tehran, Iran / 2007;
“Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” Concert Tour, at Opera House in Damascus, Syria. Tsarevets Castle at Veliko
Turnovo, Bulgaria. Tricolour-flag Square, Giurgiu, Romania. Antic Theater, Ohrid, Macedonia. Magnolija Square, Bitola,
Macedonia. (Idaki Shin Concert at Ohrid and Bitola), Jerash, Jordan (Jerash Festival). The Forbidden City Concert Hall,
Beijing, China. / 2008; “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” concert at the Republic Square at Yerevan, Armenia. / 2009;
“Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” concert at Hippodrome in Tyre, Lebanon and at Green Theatre in Moscow, Russia. /
2010; Idaki Shin concert and “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” Concert at Vahdat Hall in Tehran, Iran./ 2010;
“Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” concert at the Metekhi church in Tbilisi Georgia. /2011 and 2012:
Many Idaki Shin Northeastern Japan disaster charity concerts. / 2012; Idaki Shin concert in a special stage in Delhi and
“Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” Concert at Pulana Quila, in Delhi, India. / 2013; Idaki Shin concert in a special stage
in the amphytheater and “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” Concert at the water front of Ahmedabad, in Gujarat, India
Keiko Koma

A Non Profit Organization, NPO KOMA wishes to contribute to global peace by promoting understanding of human nature transcending any racial or cultural differences. In this respect it has been organizing concerts by artist Idaki Shin and its representative Keiko Koma, as a means to realize dialogue among the hearts and souls of people all over the world.
The majority of these concerts have been commissioned and organized by governmental and official bodies. Further, it is expanding its range of activity to actual social projects, such as: an international commercialization of Ethiopian wild coffee, under the brand name of Andromeda Ethiopia; a support program to an orphanage center in Addis Ababa; participating to establish a business college and a library in the war damaged city of Tyre, Lebanon; an emergency aid program to the Bam earthquake disaster in Iran, and to a drought stricken area of Ethiopia; and a big scale water supply project for the entire habitants in the town of Gode, in the drought stricken southern part of Ethiopia.
The founder and the representative of NPO KOMA, Ms. Keiko Koma is a direct descendant of the ancient kingdom called Koguryo in East Asia. She inherits the nature of the kings of Koguryo, its creative power, excellent traditions, glorious expansion and painful life of exile to Japan, after its destruction in the 7th century AD. Exercising the extraordinary talent of a shaman king, she visits various part of the world every year and creates unique poems as messages of Heaven, Earth and Human civilization in the past, present and future. She is currently giving her poetic performance globally, as a joint concert program with Idaki Shin, under the name of Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered. This program has been staged as many as 241 times in Japan and abroad as of September 2019.
From the year 2006, she has developed her unique way of painting on Japanese traditional materials, achieving successfully a multi dimensional presentation of herself in the artistic sphere. Her major plastic works were exhibited at the Salle de UNESCO in Beirut and various exhibition spaces in Japan. Which success led NPO KOMA to open original gallery and Café spaces in Tokyo, The Keiko Koma Skyrocket Center Omotesandou, Keiko Koma gallery and Café KOMAYA Roppongi, and in Kyoto, the Koma Gallery Café Yasaka under the famous Yasaka tower and Komaya Gallery Café at the south corner of the Kyoto Imperial Palace. In the year 2011 responding to the Northern East Japan earthquake and tsunami disaster, it opened the NPO KOMA Tohoku center at Morioka, Iwate as its center of activities to support the recovery process and is periodically holding charity concerts, promoting variety of products of Tohoku area to the rest of Japan and creating new business opportunities.
Keiko Koma: The representative of NPO KOMA, Director of NPO Inochi , honorary citizen of Tyre Lebanon, having a regular program at FM stations and the author of publications; Eight heavenly angels, To be with all your soul, Encounter, Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered, To be with all your soul 2; Magnitude of time.