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Now that we are constantly facing change not only in the market environment but in our society and nature, a company is required to find its own bearing towards an unknown future. While it goes without saying that the state of being of managing members of a company directly conditions the performance of the company, it is indispensable to become oneself at first a specialist as a human being before becoming an expert in business. Namely one has to be always ready to open up one’s own way with a clear global vision based on understanding the nature of humanity. Idaki provides an opportunity to regain the original vitality of life allowing free development of sensitivity that leads to growth, the success model, better relationship establishment, enhanced creativity, vigor and health. Being special in this line shows the proper way every time there is a change of tide. Or you will come to realize that change is really another big chance for your life and your company. The strategic approach for us is not merely conceptual but to create a field for living that invites good opportunity.
Our basic approach
We determined that the state of being of a man from when one is in the abdomen of one's mother to one's infancy determines the majority of phenomena occuring at present around one. What you consider impossible, a possible tendancy to guard yourself too much against a certain type of situation, what you believe to be your positive features, etc., are more often than not linked directly to the patterns formed during this early period of your life. So we provide our entrepreneur course as the basic program for anyone aspiring to succeed in business.
Acknowledge the state of being of management personnel

Regaining innate vitality and refreshing one’s way of life

Enhancing one’s sensitivity, intuition and creativity

Finding within oneself new capacity for running companies suitable for the coming new era

Realizing what we call a strategy of love ;relationship, creativity, health, vitality