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Keiko Koma writting for "IDAKI SHIN Persepolis Concert"
The president of Iran made a speech saying that changes in our internal and mental life were the only way to make drastic changes in the outer environment. This is the reason why we staged the Cosmic Manifesto concert in Ethiopia in 2001. The problem of poverty and drought are demanding changes in the whole society. As each individual constitutes society everyone needs to stop repeating the pattern of life inherited from the past. Peace does not come from the past. It is something to be realized in the unknown future. So those who wish to realize peace know how important it is to be freed from mental burdens formulated in the past. Thus we are organizing the Idaki Shin concert, knowing that his music provides an audience the unique opportunity to experience and acknowledge the unity of man with the universe; we believe this is a shortcut to peace. The ambassador of Ethiopia to Japan at that time delivered worldwide his message, confirming what he had experienced by participating in one of Idaki Shin’s concerts in Tokyo.
In the year 2003, we were given a precious opportunity to organize a Torch of Peace concert in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania as the official program of the SADC conference. Idaki Shin gave the new definition of peace through his music, as the first scream of a new born baby. It was a moment of awakening for the world and the universe. The Torch of Peace concert brought about worldwide this energy for peace that resides within every human being. A peace concert organized on a large scale allows us to feel that the environment of the world is changing towards a new era where there is less and less space for any evil things to hide themselves. Our next concert took place in Japan at one of the oldest historic sites, Sannaimaruyama; there the original spirituality of the Japanese, Jomon, was expressed. It was the spiritual energy that had prevailed worldwide in the ancient times, and was still vivid at present. I was confident that owing to the manifestation of the spiritual power of Jomon, we were miraculously given permission to stage a concert in Persepolis. No event was allowed to be held there, and everybody told us it was as difficult as making another revolution. Being the most precious holy place in the history of Iran, and a world cultural heritage site, there were many who were against mere tourists coming inside Persepolis. But soon after the Jomon concert, the situation drastically changed in favor of our concert, and was finally realized with great success. Moreover I was allowed to make a speech at the end of the concert, which was another unusual thing in Iran. All the audience were very happy and said it was a symbolic event, commemorating the arrival of a new era.
Persepolis was the cradle of an ancient god. Before the manifestation of its original power and truth, by way of this concert, evil was resolved into nothing and justice prevailed. I came to understand how Darius the great was living in communion with god. This state of unity with divine nature is the autonomous state of being of mankind. When each people starts to live a life true to itself and to its nature, exercising its unique talent to the full, the world becomes different and really peaceful. The manifestation of this divinity brought up before our eyes all the hidden evil things. So we are going to witness more and more tragedy as the last resistance of the evil power. However, we know that the power of love is getting stronger and diffusing itself more rapidly than ever.
I remember vividly the moment when I realized that human beings take drastic action out of love when one understands deeply the true nature of sadness. I was in the middle of Mt. Gojo, the birth place of Koguryo. The truth is not to be observed but to be expressed and to be shared. Thus each note played by Idaki Shin is sound expressing the truth. His body is connected with every creature. His music is sound generated from the state of unity of man with the vast universe. Because every life form is moving towards the future, every note of his music is another step forwards to the dawn of the new history of humankind. The energy of life is expressed, here and now, by way of his improvisational style. It is free from the man-made burdens of the past. So the Persepolis concert commemorated marvelously the turning point in the history of mankind: from the history of misery and destruction to that of peace and co-existence with all creatures on this planet. Many people are still controlled by the influence of money and the material world, but I see that sooner or later any human being will become aware of his or her nature as a life born out of the earth, and will live a life for the creation of a peaceful society, and try to keep the resources of the world for the coming generations. To this end I stress again that the music of Idaki Shin is the short cut to let people acknowledge and regain their true nature as human beings.
In order to create a peaceful society, each one shall express what one really wishes to do and come to know who one really is. Those who become aware of the necessity to do something to this end will be able to get together much easier than ever. The Persepolis concert was realized through donations made by numerous individuals. It was already one form of cooperation among ordinary people. I feel enormously obliged to the good heart of these people. Our next project is to stage in the south of Lebanon the program entitled Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered. I sincerely wish that we will continue to share with you this precious moment of history that is welcoming the new era of humankind blessed with peace and happiness.
Keiko Koma
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