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Mankind is facing a major crisis we have never experienced in history. Looking around, we find the global environment being deteriorated. The ozone layer and rain forests, which have constantly nurtured the earth and mankind, are being severely compromised. Every one of us is living each individual life in an effort to overcome many problems confronting us, physically and mentally, in varying degrees. However, the problems seem to be getting more and more serious.
In short, all forms of life on this planet including mankind are facing“Catastrophic Destruction,”a serious crisis that has never existed in human history.
The problem of“AIDS,”among other issues, is one of the major subjects that human being should tackle with a maximum concerted effort beyond the boundaries of race, religion and nations. Ever since this modern epidemic was first found about ten years ago, AIDS has spread very rapidly all over the world, depriving many precious lives of our fellow human beings. The United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) has recently announced that the number of AIDS patients in the world has reached 4 millions. The number jumps up to 17 millions if the people infected with the AIDS virus are included. This disease is still ever more rampant. It is estimated that the number of the HIV-infected people in the world will amount to 30 to 40 millions cases by the end of this century, more than 10 millions of whom will be occupied by the Asian countries including Japan.
The problem of“AIDS”has become the most formidable subject that inflicts all human beings regardless of the difference in nations, race, age and sex.
Particularly sad is it that many precious lives of small children, who will shape the future of mankind as a bridge in history between the past and the future, a fall victim to AIDS. Some of them contract AIDS when they are still unborn babies. New lives are being ruined when they should be born and fostered with“love.” These innocent lives must be saved by love. When we try to tackle this life-and-death issue, we can not find any fundamental solution without reverting back to“love,”the origin and principle of life. Life originally conceived by love can be saved only if it is treated with love. It will never suffice if we rely upon the power of medicine and science alone. Fundamental solutions will be brought only when human beings unite their hearts in pursuing ways, with love, to save the“future”including our children and their children to be born in years to come. By saving our children, we can save the future of mankind.
Through many musical activities of Mr.Shin Idaki, we have witnessed the hearts and bodies of many individuals communicating and resonating with the state of love Mr.Shin Idaki realizes by creating the beautiful melodies on the piano and synthesizers, and have recognized a new vital energy being revived and poured into our life deep inside our hearts.
The time filled with love and hope has finally come to the people who have kept love and hope at any time. It is about time that the earnest wishes long cherished by human beings be realized.
The S.T.Executive Committee is convinced that Mr.Shin Idaki’s music will touch the hearts of many people and bring new love to the world, and sincerely wishes that the concert will turn our to be a firm stepping stone towards the fundamental including small children are suffering from this tragic disease.